Saturday, March 7, 2009

All in favor? the eyes have it.

All in favor, the eyes have it.

Test Tube Baby n slow men working

Test Tube Baby n Slow men working

Famous Tattoos,.

Famous Tattoos.

Stealth Bomber

Stealth Bomber

No Peeping..

No Peeping.

Shoot an unarmed man.

Shoot an un-armed man?

Scavenger Airlines

Scavenger airlines

Falling Rock Zone

Falling Rock Zone

Pig Farm

Pig Farm

Moses and Hanging the Blinds

Moses and Hanging the blinds.

Mental Floss and Slow Men working

Mental Floss and Slow men working

Fowl Play

Fowl Play.

The Execution

It's all in the execution.

Eskimodes and Hot Air Baboons

Eskimode's and Hot Air Baboons.

Don't Drink and draw

If u drink don't draw. Nuff said.


Casper the Holey ghost.

Blue Bonnet Plague

Everythings better with Blue Bonnet plague on it!

Water Head boy and Golf

Here is the water headed boy that helped everyone across the desert and the golfer that doesn't kno his ass from a hole in the ground.

Savior Rising n a Whale

OK, caution Saviour rising, like the labels on the minivans with Baby on Board. And I said to dig a Well, not a whale.

Taxi-dermy & Ms. Parenthases

Here is my rendereing of Taxi-dermy where the taxi is stuffed and mounted on the wall and Ms. Parenthases slipped into a comma. C'mon, this is good stuff. Work with me.

My second pass at a cartoon

Come on now, Ballet parking? And eating the study guide to pass the test? Isn't this funny? Who can draw and make this look right?

My Cartoons, the first pass

I need a cartoonist who can draw my creations for me. I need it CHEAP. Let's partner up if there is any chance we could make some money.

But first I need to know if any of these are funny. I need some feed back. Please let me kno if any of this is worth pursuing. You have my future and my ego in ur hands.

Please slather up with lotion and be gentle.

Oh come on, hungry enough to eat a horse? And the right lane ends? That's funny isn't it?