Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pat Robertson

You got’ta love Pat Robertson. He’s the evangelist sporting the “WWJK” Bracelet (Who would Jesus kill?). But it’s not all Pat’s fault. Pat’s just explaining what he reads in the Bible.

In the Middle East people are killing each other in the name of Allah, based on the Koran. Look at it from Pat’s point of view. They are saying that their god can whup Pat’s god’s ass. He’s not gon’na sit still for that. He knows that his god is the one true god; omnipotent and omnipresent. Yahweh can take on all false gods and Satan.

And these people are gon’na burn in hell anyway since they aren’t good Christians (i.e. Baptist). It’s not like he is killing the chosen of god; he is merely ridding the earth of a plague. It’s just like you or I hiring an exterminator to rid our house of roaches. Except in this case Pat would like to spray the planet for Muslims and Buddhist and Hindus and Catholics. He’ll cut the Methodist some slack since their only sin is that they don’t like getting all wet and would rather cool off in a spray.

So cut Pat some slack. He’s only telling you the truth as he sees it.

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